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List of Various
Pagan Religions

Groups, Organisations, and Information Websites

The Academy in Athens.

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German Heathenistic Groups and Organizations

Germanic Heathenism

Ásatrú    Frisian Heathenry    German Neo-Paganism    Odinism

Other Spiritual or Religious Groups and Organizations

Brotherhood of the Phoenix    Druidism    Hellênismos    Huna    Kemet    Mithraism

Religio Romana    Romuva    Santería    Seidr    Slavic Paganism    Zoroastrianism

Note: On this page we list third-party sites of which we assume no responsibility for their content or accuracy.  As with all new contacts made online, caution and common sense should always be exercised.

You can refer to the following article before joining any group or organization: What You Need to Know About Cults.

Germanic Heathenistic Groups and Organizations

Germanic Heathenism is umbrella term for the modern reconstructionist movement of Germanic paganism. This movement's variations include: German Neo-Paganism, Anglo-Saxon Heathenry, Ásatrú, Odenism, Odalism Teutonic Völkisch Movement, Theodism, Forn Sišr, and others. Here are some:

German Neo-Paganism

Neo-Paganism may have started in the 19th century in Germany and Austria with the German Romantic movement. In the 1920's-1930's, Neo-Paganism grew to become more popular as interest in Germany's cultural antiquity grew. But this interest was a subject of celebration and study, rather than one of worship. This was encouraged by the elected National Socialist government. Once in power, some pagan holidays became widely accepted and elaborate state celebrations took place.

We are currently in the "third revival" of German Neo-Paganism which started in the 1960's and has spread worldwide. German Neo-Paganism is the movement that gave expression to Įsatrś and all other Heathen reconstructionist movements as well as modern Neo-Paganism in Germany.

See Germanic Neo-Paganism in Wikipedia.


Ásatrú may be the largest; the name means "belief in the Gods" in the Old Norse language. Ásatrú is a revival of the Old Norse religion of Scandinavia and the worship of the Gods and Goddesses of the Old Norse legends.

Ásatrú places the highest value on freedom and individuality, and places as well as. places great importance on the Nine Noble Virtues, which come from the Eddas and the Sagas. These Virtues are: Courage, Truth, Honor, Fidelity, Discipline, Hospitality, Industriousness, Self-reliance, and Perseverance.

  • Ásatrú Alliance - is a family-oriented association of independent kindreds that practice this ancient religion.

  • Ásatrú U - Reeves Hall of Frigga's Web - develops and provides courses about Germanic Heathenism in directed or independent study.

  • Jordsvin's Norse Heathen Pages - has extensive information and many links on Norse Religion and related topics.

  • How to Find a Heathen Group You Can Trust - Worth reading. Some Ásatrú or Heathen groups are racist, sexist, and homophobic. It will state so very clearly in their constitution. BEFORE you join, read their constitution, do research, and ask questions about their beliefs and practices.

Frisian Heathenry

Friesland (Fryslân) today is a province in northern Netherlands, a district in Lower Saxony, and a population in Schleswig-Holsteinin (northwest coastal Germany). The Frisia were a powerful Germanic people that were one of the last to hold out against Christianity. Today, the ancient Friesian people maintain their own language and identity as a distinct people.


The Odinic Rite - An organization whose aims are to promote all aspects of the ancestral religion today called Odinism, the organic spiritual beliefs and way of life of the indigenous peoples of Northern Europe. Members "may not belong to another organisation."


Seidr is the old Nordic form of shamanism - a spiritual practice that engages transcendent consciousness and forms of magic associated with the god Odin. It is characterized by the use of an altered state of consciousness, or trance-state.

To top of page.

Other Spiritual or Religious Groups and Organizations

Brotherhood of the Phoenix

Brotherhood of the Phoenix - An American Brotherhood of the Phoenix is a neo-pagan order for Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender men who love men. We celebrate the Spirit of the Divine within and build community with men who seek positive transformation of self, community and the world. Together we work to weave the magick that changes lives.


Modern Druidism is a religion as well as a philosophy. Those that view Druidism as a reconstructionist religion attempt to recapture as much of the old religion as possible, although very little is actually known. Other modern Druids work directly with the gods, earth spirits, and the spirits of ancestors to create a new type of Druidism. Those that view Druidism as a philosophy may also be involved with another religion.

The modern Druid tradition that has been around in some form for several hundred years. There is no central leadership. However, the most popular organizations are:


Hellenic reconstructionist polytheism is a religion dedicated to the study, revival, and worship of the dôdekatheoi, "The Twelve Gods" of the pantheon of the ancient Greek religion. Those that follow this path feel quite separate from the general Pagan/Neo-Pagan revival and are very unlikely to be also associated with Wicca, any form of witchcraft, or New Age thought.

  • Hellenion - A US-based religious organization dedicated to the revival and practice of the Hellenic reconstructionist religion. We offer local congregations, study opportunities, and fellowship for those who worship the Olympians.

  • The Theoi Project : Greek Mythology - An excellent site. They explore Greek mythology and the gods in classical literature and art. It provides a comprehensive, free reference guide to the gods (theoi), spirits (daimones), fabulous creatures (theres) and heroes of ancient Greek mythology and religion.


Huna is the philosophical, scientific, religious, and esoteric magical tradition native to the Hawaiian Islands. Today, it is a Pagan reconstructionist movement.

Huna is a goal-orientated tradition that develops character and the better qualities of the heart. It is a tradition of nurturing and loving aspects of the Earth, to feel loved and supported by nature, to feel connected to all of life. The practitioner learns to direct energy back to Earth in return for this support.

Huna incorporates religious practices that include clairvoyance, precognition, and healing. It utilizes the practice of magical technique as a viable catalyst. It is a personal goal-orientated religion emphasizing personal spiritual growth based on the deeper knowledge of the levels of consciousness and the use of manna, or the prime force that energizes and heals.

For the practitioner, this transformational system includes meditative and breath exercises, chanting, dream exercises, energy work, guided imagery, and other powerful techniques.

See our article on Huna.

No central organizations exists, but several private websites provide information, including:


Kemet is a reconstructionist religion dedicated to the study and practice of the "shemsu netjer," which is the ancient Egyptian religion. See Kemetic Orthodoxy


Mithraism today is a reconstructionist religion dedicated to the revival of Mithraism, the worship of Mithras, and restoration of the Mithraic Mysteries. Mithras was a Persian god on the Zoroastrian pantheon. In time, Mithras separated from Zoroastrianism and became established in Rome as a cult. The cult became popular throughout the Roman Empire in the first century CE, and especially so in the Roman Legion among the ranks below the officers and also among young non-aristocratic males in Roman cities across the Empire.

It is curious to note there seems to be many similarities between Mithraism and Christianity. Because the two religions appear to be so similar in dogma and practices that some scholars believe Christianity acquired some large part of its religion directly from Mithraism. The parallels are stunning. It has been said that Mithraism and Christianity have so many things in common that at times it seems the only thing different is the name of the baby.

Obviously, this is a touchy subject to Christian clergy and religious educators. They flatly deny any such massive theft of Mithristic religious ideas and practices. They say it is just an astonishing coincidence. Some Christians have created websites dedicated to make you think this Christian theft could not possibly be true.

The following websites look very interesting but have not been carefully checked.

Religio Romana

Also known as the Roman State Religion, the Roman Religion, and also as "Roman Paganism", Religio Romana was established to reconstruct the religion of ancient Rome as closely as possible.

  • Nova Roma - A very popular website dedicated to the restoration of the pre-Christian, classical Roman pagan religion, culture, and virtues.

  • Virtual Temple of Apollo


Romuva celebrates the Ethnic or Old Religion of Lithuania. This religion has ancient roots and was the state religion of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania until 1387. It is associated with Dievturi, the Latvian religion, and the similarly related religion of Old Prussia (not to be confused with Germanic Prussia).


Santería is a Afro-Cuban polytheistic religion that is found mostly in Cuba, other Caribbean Islands, parts of the US (mostly in Miami, but also in New York and Los Angeles), and other nations in the Americas.

See our article on Santería.

Slavic Paganism


Zoroastrianism, or Mazdaism, is the religion of the ancient Persian Empire. The religion is viewed by some as the origin of monotheism with their worship of the god, Ahura Mazda. This arguably inaccurate understanding of Zoroastrianism is believed to have heavily influenced the early Hebrews, who "borrowed" many Zoroastrian beliefs to invent their new religion, Judaism.

But the religion is clearly dualism with the cosmic struggle of good vs. evil, the god Ahura Mazda vs. the god Angra Mainyu. They are the twin sons of the First Principle, "Time" (in Avestan: Zurvan). At some point, other minor deities became part of the religion. Thus, there appears to be a clear polytheistic aspect to Zoroastrianism.

Today, many of the faithful have tried to redirect the religion toward a pure form of monotheism, mainly because of criticism from Christian missionaries, and the desire to distance themselves from Hindism. However, most scholars believe the traditional "dualist" understanding of the religion is, in fact, the historically accurate form of Zoroastrianism. In fact, Angra Mainyu, the Lord of Darkness, has always been historically considered equal to Ahura Mazda. Thus, some believe the religion was never truly monotheistic.

Zoroastrianism survives today in some sections of rural Iran and more importantly in India, where some survivors migrated from Islamic persecution. In India, the Persian descendants are known as the Parsis and the religion is called Parsiism.

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If you are interested in joining any group, coven, or organization, always first research to insure they are legitimate and safe before you approach them. In addition, you can refer to the following article before joining any group or organization: What You Need to Know About Cults

Moon through the trees.



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